White-collar crimes are non-violent offenses, usually involving financial interests. Most of the time, these crimes involve someone in a position of trust, such as a corporate executive. Often, the perpetrator has a fiduciary responsibility to their victim or victims. Because these crimes are usually committed by people in high positions, prosecutors pursue convictions aggressively. For that reason, it’s essential that you get legal representation right away. Our experienced white-collar crime team consists of lawyers with an excellent track record of success in the courtroom. Put our experience on your side. Get in touch with our office today.
Forgery & Fraud Crimes in the state of California encompass several types of crimes. For example, Irvine, California courts can charge and prosecute someone for knowingly signing another person’s name, giving a false check, lottery ticket or legal documents or even writing a bad check. According to the law it doesn’t matter whether or not the intended victim was even defrauded, simply that the act was carried out with the intent to defraud the individual. The law does specify that the person must have knowingly committed the act and intended to defraud another, which is sometimes hard to prove and the reason to seek the counsel of an Orange County attorney.
Forgery & Fraud crimes can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony depending on the circumstances, defendant’s previous record and also the amount of drugs involved. Punishment can range from a year in county jail to restitution and other costly fines. An experienced lawyer may help you in receiving alternative programs such as community service, electronic monitoring or a work release program.
If you have been charged with a Forgery & Fraud crime in the Orange County area, it is most important that you seek the advice of an experienced defense lawyer. This charge can be a serious one, however with an attorney that knows the criminal system it certainly improves your chances of a reduced punishment.
There are a number of acts that a defendant can be charged with under the Internet Crimes law in Orange County, California. Federal as well as state laws prohibit the exploitation of children through exchanging or showing any sexual conduct of a minor, including storing or making any type of internet display. Charges can also be initiated for those that are accused of harassing or stalking another individual through online or electronic means.
Irvine, CA courts can pursue federal charges as the internet does not remain housed in one state. There can be numerous states involved and in this case a defendant should be represented by an attorney representing Orange County, CA. A good defense is important as there are numerous circumstances and situations to consider.
The intentional act of unauthorized use of another computer or personal information via online can also be considered internet crimes in California. Hacking can result in jail time as well as up to a $10,000 fine.
If you’ve been charged with an internet crime in Irvine, CA seek the representation of an experienced lawyer. Facing this type of charge is not something to ignore, it is very serious and can result in high fines, imprisonment and a criminal record.
Conspiracy & Credit Card Fraud are a growing crime in Orange County, CA. From stolen identity to the unauthorized use of a credit card, individuals can be charged with a misdemeanor crime up to a felony. The punishment has become harsher in the last several years because of heightened awareness. Credit card fraud can be charged as a federal crime for those operations that take place across state lines, are punishable by 10 to 20 years in prison and have larger fines assessed. Transactions that are less than $400 may be charged as a misdemeanor petty theft crime which has a lower punishment levels, and possibility of no jail time.
In many cases there are circumstances that lead defendants to these types of offenses. Sometimes addiction is involved, which if identified by a defense attorney, can make a difference in sentencing. There are alternatives to incarceration and larger fines, by which a defendant can get, help for his/her addiction. In some cases the Irvine, CA court may require the defendant to make restitution to the victim.
Those that have been charged with Conspiracy & Credit Card Fraud should contact an attorney in the Orange County, CA area. Representation is important to help petition the court for the least restrictive punishment, fines and restitution.
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