The state of California requires that drivers maintain financial responsibility for their vehicle, meaning that a ticket for no proof of insurance can be serious. Drivers must show their proof of insurance in Orange County if pulled over by the police. Failure to maintain minimum limits of liability can result in fines of up to $500, suspended license and also an impounded vehicle.
Seeking the representation of an Attorney, in the Irvine city, can help you plea your case to the court, possibly having the administrative fees reduced or waived and avoiding a suspension. In some cases, the driver may have insurance, however not had proof at the time of the stop. The Irvine, CA court system will sometimes reduce the fine if proof of insurance is provided.
If you are facing fines or suspended license because of a no proof of insurance ticket in Orange County, CA, contact a lawyer immediately. The quicker legal representation is obtained the less chance of additional punishments or possible license suspension.
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