Sex Crimes

Building a robust defense against sex crime charges

Sex Crimes Lawyer In Irvine, California

Being charged with sex crimes in the state of California can open the door to much legal trouble. There are several crimes that can be charged as a sex crime in Orange County, CA. Some of these acts are indecent exposure, lewd act in a public place, solicitation of a prostitute, molestation or possession of obscene matter. Sex crimes can be charged as felonies and punishable by 16 months to life in state prison.

Arrested For Sex Crimes?

Individuals charged and convicted of sex crimes in Irvine, CA can be required to register as a sex offender. This can greatly affect their lives and even affect their housing opportunities, employment and quality of life. California also has a Three Strikes Law and felony convictions can result in increasingly punishments and elevated criminal problems. Having appropriate legal defense, with an experienced trial attorney can make the difference between freedom and imprisonment.

If you or your loved one has been charged with sex crimes in the state of California, it is important to have an experienced lawyer. Proper representation truly makes the difference and can result in a possible lessened charge, avoiding the three strikes law and also avoid the embarrassment of a conviction.

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