If you’ve been accused of violence toward a loved one, you need to call Grant Law, A Professional Law Corporation. Such an accusation can disrupt your life and have a permanent impact on your future. Accused individuals should seek the counsel of a qualified attorney without delay.
Residents of Irvine, CA can rely on Grant Law for a resolute defense during this emotional time. Call today to schedule a consultation with one of our capable attorneys.
Do everything you can to avoid jail time and serious fines by hiring Grant Law to represent you. We’ve successfully defended clients facing domestic abuse charges. Our attorneys have experience with cases involving:
Grant Law will protect your rights while keeping our fees to a minimum. Safeguard your future by calling on our domestic violence defense attorneys in Irvine, CA today.
Domestic violence is charged as a specialized assault in California, because it involves family members. Assaults between husband and wife, romantically involved, a child or other person that resides in the same home can be charged as misdemeanors or felonies. The court system in Irvine, CA will take into consideration the type of assault for determination of the charge. Misdemeanors are punishable by up to a year in jail, whereas a felony could mean county jail or state prison.
Some assume that the victim can drop the charges; however in California once an arrest is made the state pursues the charges and will not be dropped. This is where legal representation can assist you in addressing reports, photos and injuries. If convicted of domestic violence, defendants will not be allowed to own a firearm, for any reason.
If you or someone you love has been charged with domestic violence, a lawyer needs to be on board. Those that are well versed in Irvine, CA law can make the difference, plead your case and decrease the amount of time served restitution and possibly even have the charges dismissed.
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