Being charged with assault crimes in the state of California can mean many different things. A simple assault can result in a misdemeanor charge, resulting in a fine of up to $1000 and up to 6 months in jail. Depending on the situation, courts in Irvine, CA can order both jail time and a fine, much of the punishment depends on whether or not there is lawyer representation. An assault against a police officer or other emergency personnel can result in a $2000 fine, and up to a year jail time or both.
Assault crimes committed in Orange County that involve a deadly weapon can be charged as a felony, however may be a misdemeanor depending on the circumstances. Defendants that are charged commonly have one strike on their criminal record. Additional criminal activity or charges can be considered another strike and influence a more harsh series of fines or imprisonment in the future.
Whether this charge is your first strike or third, it is important to reach out to an Orange County Assault crimes attorney with experience. They can aggressively defend your case and improve the likelihood of keeping strikes off your record all together. If you face assault charges, you need to get an experienced criminal law attorney involved at the very outset.
Schedule your consultation today.
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